Winter Garden Update

Winter is here in Wasilla in a big way. I just got in from clearing my driveway again and they are forecasting more snow tonight. This has been a rather harsh November, compared to recent weather patterns. I don't think I had to clear my driveway more than one or two times all last winter. And we have been hit by a frigid cold snap that reminds me just what Alaska winters can be like. We have had many nights with temperatures below zero and several in the -10 to -20 degree F range. It is interesting how short our memories can be and it was not unusual to get a severe cold spell early in the winter season. I have seen -35 F temperatures in Anchorage but not for a while.

 I have  used about half of my firewood so far and this is only November! I will be splitting more wood long before this winter is over and if we get more cold weather I may be looking to buy some firewood. I do have a furnace so I don't depend on wood to heat my house, but with all of my nice windows it can be a little chilly inside on a very cold night. My wood stove does a great job keeping the house warm and does save on fuel bills.

At least we got a thick snow cover before the frigid weather set in and that should protect most of the sensitive perennials.

My indoor salad garden is looking good so far the lettuce is really doing well. The Swiss chard and kale are a little slower but I haven't given up.

I did notice an infestation of Aphids on some plants so everything got a dose of insecticidal soap and that has really helped. I did not wash or sanitize my pots and that is probably where they came from.

I will find out which growing containers work best using fabric grow bags or pots. I am still using my oxygen booster plant food and that should help the potted plants that don't have ventilation for the roots.